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2 Pack Self Locking Gate Latch, Automatic Gravity Lever Latch for Wood Fence Gate Latch with Fasteners/5.7 Inch, Black Gate Hardware for Vinyl Fences
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2 Pack Self Locking Gate Latch, Automatic Gravity Lever Latch for Wood Fence Gate Latch with Fasteners/5.7 Inch, Black Gate Hardware for Vinyl Fences

Product ID: 242564577
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Automatic Gate Latch for Metal Gates Vinyl Fence 4.7” Long Self Locking Pool Dog Gate Latches Heavy Duty Gravity Security Latch with Handle. Product Feature: ➤ Gravity gate latch made of heavy duty steel with black coated finish protects against rusting and lends to long product life. ➤ Pool gate latches is designed to be easily installed, it can also be used with a regular padlock (not included) for added security. ➤ Fence gate hardware, use a coated cable and round knob threaded through the gate post to serve as a leverage control for opening from the other side. ➤ The strike bar allows to very securely attach it to garden patio gate. Out swinging gate latch can keep door from blowing open in the wind. There's a hole for padlock security to prevent it from being opened by younger kids. Multipurpose for security: 1. Prevent kids from getting into the pool area for safety. 2. Built a gate for the deck to keep the younger kids away from the stairs. 3. Used this latch for a dogie gate to confine a large dog to certain parts of the house, mostly to keep it from bothering the cats and eating their food. 4. Gravity lever gate latcho keep veggie garden door locked all the time automatically . 5. Good for the application on privacy fence. 6. Used this for an interior gate at the top of my stairs. Specification: Overall length of gate latch bar is 5" Baseplate for gravity latch measures 2-1/4" x 2-3/4"

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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